Your mod.txt has deepthroataction v5 at line 11 & v6 in the last.
Maybe a conflict ? I don't think this is the problem.
Your log show us DialogueAction seem to fail load.
Honestly, I have no clue to help you.
Sometime when I load a mod, my game keep mod's datas in the save, I don't know why and stuck some behaviour of the game.
To fix it, I delete the save name "ChoIrrumatio.sol" in the Users\"YourUSERS"\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\KM5VMLYT\localhost\"YourGameFolder".
Warning, export your saves characters before delete it.
The last option I can suggest you is to reinstall the game, in other words, download the last
sby'loader's pack,
and add your favorites mods and setting to the new loader.
Or maybe hope for someone's help with more expertise.