Mickel431's hair imports... (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2013
these are all the hair files I made (they are also at Xuxu's male/ rule 63 imports because i put them there)... nothing much else to say really... (this is for search purposes) Kagamine ... Len... Sora ... append ... Zidane ... lol ... Kaiba ... Mikuo ... Raiden (semi draft at the moment so its close to the bottom)

oh btw Len again 1 has higher headphones that are more accurately placed...
vocaloid Len 1 has back of hair rotated slightly clockwise compared to 2...
I am willing to redo Sora and possibly Roxas if someone found suitable head phones...
Me talking about Kaiba hair... ignore if u don't care about Kaiba...
I am actually surprised that not many people like Kaiba (this is probably why its best that i do requests rather than whatever i feel like doing...) but Kaiba is the first hair i did that has ears... so, yeah... if you're into guys/rule 63s with ears.... enjoy... (the others have headphones or convenient hair... so nobody notices... i hope...)

done... i think.... i try btw, but my thoughts have always been all over the place, making things worse is that most of my thoughts are equally irrelevant so its hard to choose.... Thanks again for the assist...

Great idea (although usually i believe that almost nothing worth getting is getted easily and that a difficult quest makes a victory sweeter, i'm also a firm believer in convenience...), so I'll put my finished work here...


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Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2013
replying to Sby: no i actually hadnt considered how people may have an annoyance of a time reading through all the ellipses, I have however considered that people may be annoyed if i go off on random tangents while talking about something, which is why I use ellipses not only for pauses in speech but for showing where i went of on a tangent that i never wrote because it was irrelevant, when i am arguing with myself for an extended period of time or when i am explaining something in the most tedious way possible... to myself... and i do pause often in speech as i consider the consequences of my current train of thought... (is that even a saying... it doesnt feel like one) due to my inability to think before i say/type things... also i like things like this and i honestly think that most people will just use the hair files without even looking at what i write here let alone caring (that feels more right but i still have my doubts... am i inventing my own sayings???) also the ellipses tend to break up my posts into more managable chunks that are easier to proofread and stuff... so while i will/may make an effort to reduce the ellipses i use in the future... its just easier for me to take the path of least resistance...


Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2013
reply to Shadow5000: thanks for the help with this... I am now use site good (hopefully)... (was gonna have ellipses before hopefully, see i am trying), and its hard to call it work when it involves me looking through porn for the right pic for hours (i already do that, mentioned the site name somewhere in Xuxu's thread), working on photoshop for what feels like 20 to 30 minutes (actually around an hour or two for the hard/good ones) and then spending way too much time "testing" the files... to see if they work... lol... oh and i am tired, but thats because of other things and choices i have made... i think of this more as giving back to the internet that has given so much (porn) to me... (at least 54 gb worth...(sorry if you didnt want to know...)) so even if/when it feels like work (i really hope that porn never becomes "work" for me, although work being porn is fine) its worth it/ helps me feel better, lqtm... but thanks for caring (i'm not being sarcastic (although i always sound sarcastic) just expressing how i feel in the simplest way possible)...

One With The Shadows

Vivacious Visitor
Jul 7, 2013
Re: Mickel431's hair files...

Mickel431 said:
reply to Shadow5000: thanks for the help with this... I am now use site good (hopefully)... (was gonna have ellipses before hopefully, see i am trying), and its hard to call it work when it involves me looking through porn for the right pic for hours (i already do that, mentioned the site name somewhere in Xuxu's thread), working on photoshop for what feels like 20 to 30 minutes (actually around an hour or two for the hard/good ones) and then spending way too much time "testing" the files... to see if they work... lol... oh and i am tired, but thats because of other things and choices i have made... i think of this more as giving back to the internet that has given so much (porn) to me... (at least 54 gb worth...(sorry if you didnt want to know...)) so even if/when it feels like work (i really hope that porn never becomes "work" for me, although porn being work is fine) its worth it/ helps me feel better, lqtm... but thanks for caring (i'm not being sarcastic (although i always sound sarcastic) just expressing how i feel in the simplest way possible)...

Yeah, now to cut down your speech into organized thoughts ... ... and yep, you are welcome. Also this is my opinion, but replace files with imports. It sounds a little better, to me, anyways.


Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2013
Zidane... not entirely accurate and missing the tail but i'm sure theres another mod for a tail...
i had trouble with this one... i think its because i got the original in a lower quality but in the end, smudge saves the day...

The Zidane hair has been moved to the first post...


Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2013
Guess whaaaaaaaat????

Imma starting a new project... guess who.... Guess! And I thought I was running out of ideas... well I got a few more tricks up my sleeve and many more cards to play... well I did give you that hint but lets just say I have to choose between two (or three) versions of him, hes not a vocaloid character, he has powers and a reasonably cute/sexy voice depending on things.... I did just give you way too many hints didnt I??? but the sooner you guess the more fun it is when I give you a little more than expected... well im going to post them as soon as i make them, but still this is gonna keep me occupied for a week or so if all goes to plan... now guess....
You expected me to tell you, huh??? well heres another clue, theres a man with one eye who explains things, a comic relief character who never had a chance but got way further than he should have, a rich guy with an insanely large ego.... you should be getting this.... but then again i havent given you much... wait I actually have... kinda, well if you do get it... tell me which clue made things clear...
Spoiler within a spoiler inception style... its yugioh... and cardfight.... kinda... maybe cardfight... strong maybe
just kidding theres nothing else!...


Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2013

made Kaiba... so much cuter than expected.... i may have uploaded the wrong one... if thre are any issues i can edit and repost... oh btw my eraser isnt working... btw i used the template for Kaiba and not the rin hair so thats why it looks different... still works... I hope

HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FAP TO THIS????? everytime I try I crack up because Kaiba isnt supposed to be cute!!! Its Yugioh characters btw.... I update Xuxu's thread with banter and conversation and fill mine with ma imports.... seems unfair to Xuxu... but only Shadow5000 has commented/posted on my thread so far... so how can i conversate (is that even a word) on my thread!!!! only two pplz r here!!!

Figured it out... made him taller added a cock and now he isnt (so cute hes) funny anymore (the cock part shoulda been a no brainer...) Im happy and you cant take that away voice in my head... plz dont try.... (k... u know im only here to give you your own advice... such as to leave out certain details from your posts... you know the ones that made you sound like an unstable lunatic)... but there must be a story... with drama and feelings and passion (you're helping strangers get off "with drama and feelings and passion" )... did you just quote yourself... (yeah and)... nothing...

this is why i need ideas... if i stay busy i dont talk to myself, as much... and i try my hardest when i know someone wants me to do whatever i'm doing... (explains why the Len hairs are so good(better than the others)... it was the first request you saw...)... lol nice (yeah...) watch this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRZ2Sh5-XuM ....try to fap without thinking about that... (but only if you want to)

The Kaiba hair has been mover to the first post...


Potential Patron
Dec 11, 2012
I have a friend who types just like you--paragraph laden with ellipses--so I'm fairly used to reading this style of writing, lol.

In any case. Nice stuff you got so far.

Can I, um, request a character? Raiden from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance? The little douche is fairly feminine as it is with his high heels and all... I'm not even going to Rule 63 him.


Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2013
k... right, back to work (kinda.... i explained this earlier).... uhh lets see.... i'm going to have to do two versions as the picture i got has his suit thing on and his face is kinda covered.... one should have his hair and the other with hair and bits of the suit/ armor/cyborg bits (idk what/who this guy is) one week or so should do it... although i sometimes say 1 week then get it done the same day (dont expect that dude, two days at least... lol)....


Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2013
alright... things have gotten started... however problems have been encountered... mostly that raidens hair is white, the background is white and photoshop cant tell the difference (neither can I in places resulting in a strange effect that can be reduced by zooming in so that the window covers it)... these are DRAFTS.... I mean it this time... all these are for is testing... they are unfinished... i just want to know what you think of the work so far so that i can improve these later.... so much for one week...


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Potential Patron
Dec 11, 2012
Ah! Well, nice job so far. I tried testing it... hm... I guess the biggest problem I see so far is how disproportionate the hair is to the body. It resembles an afro. Apart from that, everything else looks fine. I didn't get to play with it too in-depth yet, so I'll get back to you if I find any other glitches, etc.


Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2013
next draft....

tried to fix the problems... the style that the source pic was drawn in is completely different to sdt and the angle is off but im making excuses now... so here are the next two drafts.... this is the hardest guy so far... lol, im gonna get this one perfect though.... eventually.... maybe one or two more drafts... if this one is good enough i can try to remove the rough edges and get everything ready for a final by at most 1 am tomorrow (dont worry i stay up til 3 or 4 playing assassins creed, i only work half as hard as i say i do... heh) if not i could work on the positioning, etc... so, your thoughts???

and yeah i noticed the afro problem.... it gets slightly less niticable if you make him taller and i did mess with it a bit to reduce the afro but... well anime/game characters (usually) have big hair... and without spikes to break up the outline it does get afro-ey... theres not much i can do about that but i do have another option that could help solve the problem... might mes up the front a bit... (the connection between the wo is already a bit off and this may or may not make things better or worse... idk lol) but im rambling now so imma stop now... hope its getting better....

cant really do much till i know what i need to improve... screw it im gonna run a virus scan... i dont know what that has to do with anything but its good.... oh and btw whats with the ads here they're like so damn weird... i mean srsly who actually clicks on those (on purpose (ha, beat you to it))... well anyways its about... whoa... i just realized.... im here... and im treating this thread like i used to treat Xuxu's.... this means i've finally done it... i'm using this thread as more than a place to put stuff... (wait... did you expect something else here..? isnt that a given (wait is that a thing, whatever.... this is just like that time i forgot how to spell queen... well i knew how to spell queen, i just thought i was spelling it wrong... i mean it just looked and felt so wrong i was convinced...) i mean srsly) .... so pointless, much unnecessary, wow... enjoy....

got riid of the spoiler thing... great now my computer goes back everytime i use the backspace key... have to highlight then delete...


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Potential Patron
Dec 11, 2012
Hmm... the hair is still a little too... big? Okay, but it seems like you can't really do anything about the size so I'll stop harassing you about that.

I guess the only other thing to mention about his hair is the lack of an eyepatch...

But in any case, I love it~ There's no chance you could do Raiden's suit now, could you?


Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2013
eyepatch...?... hang on... isnt this raiden (i attached a picture... wait, the computer said that was raiden... maybe its before the patch... well anyway i've never played any of the metal gear series so i wouldnt know... wrong side.... the eyepatch is on the other side... you see his right side... i'll post a picture... all of my work is based on fanart so...).... oh and no a suit is entirely beyond my abilities, sorry... but i'm pretty sure there are people here who could pull it off... i mean i've seen harder things done... oh and i found a very frustrating picture... perfect angle, great detail, missing top half of head....
.... interesting... a thought just occured... i have another.... less detail but possibly viable... an attempt will be made... if you need anything/anyone else just ask...

wait... now that the eyepatch issue has been explained (its the little black band)... this is a strange point...
its not letting me post the images... sorry... wait link!!! http://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/3556321 haha! victory

One With The Shadows

Vivacious Visitor
Jul 7, 2013
Hey it's me again. I was just wondering, can you put your hair files on the first post, instead of just posting them in comments. That way, when this thread gets bigger, people won't have to search through the thread.


Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2013
Done... although I will still draft at the current edges the finished hair files will be placed on the first post(although this will annoy anyone using the search function/ anyone who sees the drafts and assumes that they're the actual files)

I've updated the Zidane hair file as i've found numerous flaws that have now been at least partially corrected (although the quality is still pretty bad)... enjoy (without the obvious flaws... i should really remove the original... nah whats the point)


Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2013
internet explorer is failing so I've officially converted to chrome (except for the purposes of copying links from my favorites...) i now have spellcheck on everything i type... which is nice... ah... now that the Raiden hair is kinda sorted (I haven't received any further comments/instructions/advice...) I shall prepare to do nothing until i get another request (well perhaps I'll lazily work on the Joey hair, but i'll prioritize relaxing and fapping till 4 in the morning (you're reading my thread this far down when i place all my stuff at the top so don't complain about too much information... (seriously its like 2 and i don't wanna sleep)))....

well...... nothing happened...... I did what I set out to do (Len hair)....

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