hi, i was wondering if anyone could make the hair, and or a character model for megumi shimizu, a vampire from the anime shiki. i searched the website for anything related to her, but since shiki is a tad obscure i didnt find anything. the hair in shiki is a little wierd, but id say it has sort of a...whispy...look to it. good reference images are hard to find, but here are the ones i think are best. if you like one of the specific outfits she is wearing and want to use that i can give you more images or video links of her in it, but bare minimum all i would like to see is the hair, take any artistic liberties you feel necessary. thanks so much for anyone willing.
here is a video link to her biting one of the characters, i hope it helps
here is a video link to her biting one of the characters, i hope it helps