Looking for a longer tongue, both animated or not! (1 Viewer)


Casual Client
Nov 2, 2017

For my new dialogue project I am looking for an extended tongue mod!
It's nothing too complicated to understand...
Just look at these pictures, the left part is regualar vanilla tongue, the right is the longer version I want.
If anyone can make that for me... that would be totally awesome!


Here's another picture of how the extended tongue would look when vanilla tongue is lengtheend,
Not that bad, but it's a paint picture haha.

This one is a whole other request though! Not the prioritized one, but definatly one 1 want and could use!
For this tongue I don't require it to be animated. I rather have the bottom hanging part of the tongue wiggle around using the same mechanics as dynamic hair, so perhaps i should be a hair mod?

I just wanna see how it would work, and if I'd need it for a specific character, with a specific hairstyule,
then I'd ask someone to revise it, and add the taongue... Offcourse credits will stil go to the original author
And if be some spark of miracle magic you can get the hanging, dynamic tongue to function as tongue as well, even if it doesn;t look al that great, please share that with mt too!

Here's a link to my official dialogue project page:Super18 Dialogue Project

Sorry for the typo's and what not... tired and going to sleep soon.

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