- First, this is not a "Reference requests", so I asked the thread to be moved in the appropriate section.
- Second, some references are needed to make a proper request : if nothing is given, you are basically asking modders to draw something from scratch (or nearly) and usually they won't even try, because most of us are not artists, and we don't want to spend litteraly hours on something that the requester may not like (it goes without saying that the actual number of modders able to make this kind of mod can be counted on the fingers of one hand at the moment).
- Third, this striped pattern is a bad idea, because the chest and breasts have pronounced shapes (boobs are spherical, yes), so the stripes need to be adapted to this.
This is even more difficult because the breasts have their independent motion (up/down + front/back).
Not to say that making the breast size adaptable will be 149 times more difficult (or nearly, as there are 149 breast sizes).
Also, the chest and breasts move from each other when the girl breathes, and as the stripes can not be extended proportionally to this motion, one stripe will have to grow bigger and smaller as the other stay the same size, that will make the mod look quite odd.