Here's my breakdown of Ryona. Fighting games and Wrestling are the only acceptable mediums where a woman can consenually get beat up. The actual beatdown is stuff of fantasy, no one is really hurt. There is peril, defeat, and humiliation. How sexy is it for someone to fake out, being defeated, in front of an audience. For female wrestlers, they submit to the script, and sell the fact that they have been bested. They sell the screams, the hits, the KO, even though they aren't. They let the audience understand that they have been defeated and ultimately in a vulnerable position.
It's the ultimate surrender.
Yeah its fantasy elements. I notice you point out how sexy or hot the public humiliation of certain characters is. I then consider how the public humiliation is like the polar opposite of public glory or exaltation. Its not just any character I would think. I'm thinking of like superhero stuff when they have the moments of being given "the key to the city" kind of thing, like it being the opposite of that. Both involve crowds or audiences, the one and the many. One instance being like the mirror opposite of the other. Characters that appear on TV screens or papers or magazines or video games. The element of ultra powerful and arrogant females or goddesses that are brought to nothing or defeated. Sometimes by the raw power or beating from another character. And sometimes by something simple or a weakness, like magic rocks, magic or energy rays, or removal of trinkets or costume items that may or may not be connected to the fictional character's powers and super powers. And that seems like another important element to all of this genre or kink. The costume or uniform. Its as if the costume or uniform itself denotes power. Would it be more "sexy" to see a female character in flip flops, jogging pants and a T-shirt get defeated and publicly humiliated (abased), or one that is wearing boots or pumps and is in a mini skirt with hose or tights or has a leotard?
I also notice there is another side to this. That of "girl power". Whereas that kink or genre is purely about the exaltation of super heroines. Showing them beating up people and using their super powers. And those characters are never shown defeated or stripped. Apparently there are some adult film producers out there that have quite a fan base of this. And that stuff is not that far off from mainstream super hero stuff though its underground and with much much smaller budgets and production (which I personally don't understand how they can make money on this).
But there again, I notice the connection to the uniform or costume. These ladies are decorated in usually a leotard or crop top (sometimes with or without an attached cape), with boots, skirt, and last but certainly not least the pantyhose or tights. And that particular garment seems to be at the core of the uniform or costume in all these fetishes and kinks. There are men out there that want to be "dominated" or defeated by a woman wearing those items. Are those items even feminine or female? According to history and the Bible, men at one time wore skirts, and even hose or tights (though I suspect not "sheer" but opaque and colored). Yet it seems "more" when an actual female wears such things. When it comes to sex appeal and sexual lust value.
Then you get back to the poses that the first comment on this thread pointed out. So then the grand "ryona" or even superheroine power equation would be - 1. female 2. female in uniform or costume. 3. female with super powers and abilities 4. female that is overconfident / arrogant 5. female in sexual or proud poses such as the classic superhero hands on the hips or the runway supermodel hand on the hip and certain face.
I associate the number 5 with Babylon. Like the idol or statue in Nebachadnezzar's dream (Daniel 2) that he wanted to understand and only the prophet Daniel could decipher it for him.
The statue was made of 5 material zones. The head and arms of gold, the chest of silver, the belly and thighs of brass, the legs of iron, and feet of iron and clay mixed.
Daniel explained to him that Babylon was the head of gold, and that a kingdom inferior to his would come after that represented the silver, and so on and so on. So its like the value lessons from the top going down. According to a mixture of bible and historian's information, the silver represents Persia, the brass Greece, the iron Rome, and then IMHO, the iron clay mixed feet and toes represent the fifth and final kingdom of "Mystery Babylon", in which I think at this point includes all nations. Daniel explained that fifth kingdom would have the strength of iron but wouldn't hold together and be weak like clay. In the dream Nebachadnezzar (king of Babylon) at the end saw a stone cut without hands hit the statue on the feet and it smashed the whole thing, then that rock grew and was larger then anything. Most agree that stone represents God and the kingdom of God having the ultimate dominion and can not lose.
But while I'm on the subject of this, I just thought of something that's also interesting. In the Bible, before the crucifixion, it says the soldiers parted Jesus's garments 4 ways and then cast lots on his "seamless garment" (there again is the number 5). The seamless garment was said to be woven without seam from the top down and thus the soldiers did not want to rip or tear it, so it must have had a value of some kind. So casting lots or throwing the bones or whatever to essentially let fate decide who would acquire that item.
So then each sandal counted as 1 would = 2 (the 2 boots of the superheroine), the girdle or belt of Christ = 1 (the skirt of the superheroine), the outer garment = 1 (the leotard / crop top/ shirt / with or without attached cape of the superheroine), and then the seamless undergarment which is something the comedians often make fun of the morman's by calling the practice of religiously wearing a top down undergarment "magic underwear" = 1 (the pantyhose or tights of the superheroine).
Whereas the seamless undergarment was woven from the top down, pantyhose are an undergarment or underwear and I've seen pics they can come seamless also. Its interesting how that they are both an outergarment (from the bottom of the skirt to the tops of the boots) and an undergarment (under the skirt and the feet and toes). You could consider them from the bottom up ending at the waist. Strange mirror opposite there to the seamless garment of Christ.
I guess you could also attach a money value to this. Just being alive and barefoot and naked would be like a penny .01, Just having on hose / tights would be like a nickel .05, having two boots would be like a dime .10, having a skirt would be a quarter .25, having a top / leotard/ with or without attached cape would then be 1.00 or 100 pennyworth. Perhaps I got the order of that wrong or value for the items. Then whats left that is rare? A 50 cent piece and a 2 dollar bill. I guess you could liken that to having super powers. If a dollar is a king or queen whats higher than a king or queen? A god or goddess! Spiritual, Angels? "two hundred penny worth" - thank you Lord for leaving us those clues in the scripture!
Isn't it that the male drone bee wants nothing more out of life than to mate with a queen bee?
So then I'm assuming that based on that silly equation I posted earlier in this comment, these fictional goddesses have a higher value based on the inclusion of all the items of the equation.
1. Female .01
2. Uniform or Costume .05 (which can and usually does for this genre anyway contain pantyhose /tights)
3. Super powers and abilities .10
4. The personal countenance .25 (facial expressions), the words spoken like "I'm the most powerful women in the world",
5. The physical demeanor, how the body is posed.......body language etc etc 1.00
So another analogy, is that of a candy bar. You want to unwrap the candy bar and eat it. Between you and doing that stands several factors, including the wrapper. But then these factors all wager in how much you desire to actually get to the proverbial candy. But the higher that lust value, like voltage, the greater the "force" behind it. If the Superheroine isn't posed properly or have the right shape and form how that effects the outcome? If she doesn't say the right things? If she doesn't have the right facial expressions? If she doesn't have the right costume or costume elements on? If she doesn't have super powers and super strength? If she isn't even a female?