I have downloaded the Loader and exported it to a different location.
Different from what?
If it's in a weird location that you can't access, then just re-extract it to a clean location and try again.
I installed Flash Player (20) and now I'm stuck. I can't load the Loader file at all.
You didn't install Flash Player. It isn't install
You downloaded it to a particular location (such as
c:\downloads or whatever).
I would advise you to move it to a more permanent location, in order to reduce the risk that you'll accidentally delete it during routine cleanup. For example: I store my Flash Projector files in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Macromedia .
Right-click your
Loader.swf file and choose "Open with". If Flash Player 20 does not appear in the list, then click "Choose another app" and then "Look for another app on this PC". Browse to the folder from the previous step and choose the appropriate file (such as
C:\Program Files (x86)\Macromedia\flashplayer_20_sa_debug.exe).
If you're on a Mac or Linux machine then I can't really help you, but I know that various people
have overcome their technical problems and played SDT on these platform. Try to
Search the Help board for keywords such as "Linux"+"Loader" and see whether any of the results are applicable to your difficulties.
If nothing else works, then you can always try to drag-and-drop the
Loader.swf file into your web browser.
Please try to avoid goofy meme talk when posting on the Help board. We need a precise description of your problem, the severity of the error, your hardware specs, Loader mods that you're running, a list of any troubleshooting steps that you've already taken, etc... Please remember that the person attempting to solve your problem may not be a native English speaker
(deliberate misspellings may stymie their auto-translation tools) or an Internet addict
(obscure pop-culture references may confuse or offend them).
You're welcome to add personality to your posts on other boards, but on
this specific board it interferes with problem solving.
This is even more important if you're trying to
offer support to someone. They're already confused and frustrated; there's no need to compound the problem by introducing a strange vocabulary.