You can
decompile the source code in order to find out how
@Konashion setup the strand system.
There isn't really a specific "eureka" trick to it. Each strand consists of links which are modeled as free-floating physics objects. Elasticity rules are applied between adjacent links, so as to maintain overall cohesion for the strand. Friction and gravity are similarly applied as per-frame adjustments of the momentum vector for each link.
Links are given a strong initial momentum when ejaculated from the penis and tend to slow down during flight. If a link's position overlaps the area of a collide-able object (such as the girl's torso) then it is subjected to a very strong friction effect. This strong friction will usually suffice to remove all of the link's relative momentum
before it's able to fully "pass through" the torso. If the relative momentum is low enough, then the link ceases to be a free physics object and it becomes "captured" or "stuck" to the collideable object.
Links are
not actually visible, but they serve as endpoints for brushstrokes. The brushstrokes are cleared out and then redrawn during each frame of gameplay, which makes the cum strands very "expensive" (i.e. heavy FPS impact). The specific translucency/shader effect chosen by
@Konashion can be found in the code. I'm not an artist, so I really can't tell you much about why he used that particular effect (or whether you might be able to achieve similar results with different/cheaper blending techniques).
Different links within a strand can become stuck to different objects within the scene (e.g. hair, torso, face). Relative motion of those object (e.g. nodding) will drag the attached links into different relative positions, and thereby cause the connections (brushstrokes) between them to stretch or twist. Strands do not actually attach or merge with each other, although the brush style might suggest that they do. When there are many strands in a scene, the overall result can be a visual "spiderweb" effect.
If links stretch too far apart then there's a simulated physics effect which will cause them to "break" into two separate sub-strands. Links will be culled if they fall too far outside the scene, and they can be "absorbed" if they land inside the girl's mouth.
tl;dr - It's a bespoke system which relies on custom code to achieve its of its sub-behaviors. You
might be able to find an off-the-shelf solution elsewhere, but you
won't be able to easily drag-and-drop the SDT cum system into your new game.