Thanks for the video. Dying in Diablo 2 with your hard worked characters is always a bad thing. So I usually I would make new Level 1 characters and send them to their death. :P
I like Amazon and Rogue moans. I like Assassin too, one of her moan is a soft, sexy moan. But I really don't like one of her injured sound is a loud "Ooooooff!" Sounds a lil out of place compared to her others.
They had death animations for all 3 of the armor type (leather, chain mail and plate mail). The chainmail and platemail was never used, probably cause your item falls and you become naked (leather). I liked both the chainmail and leather for the rogue. The chainmail, you can see her black bra underneath the chain armor. The leather showed off her sexy legs. ;)
Extra Note for the Rogue video (since were on topic of deathanimation and if ur fan of death animations like me...>.>)- I know you're just showing off the death moans, but the rogue has 3 death animations (with different angles), and they're triggered by the direction she dies facing. One of them is her falling on her back and her hand falls on her belly (in ur video), another one she falls on her back quickly with her chest arched in the air, and her legs slowly spreads to the side before she dies (<3), and last one she falls slowly to the side, but its like a total upskirt and u can see her panty and butt (<3<3).