What setting might the cum color be?
As in, what would one need to put in the settings file?
The setting is
cumrgb. It's expressed as a decimal number, but you may find it more convenient to think of it in hexadecimal.
The hardcoded default value is 16777215. In hex, that's 0xFFFFFF (Red=FF, Green=FF, Blue=FF ... it's pure white).
The soft default value (which appears in your Settings.txt file) is 16776439. 0xFFFCF7 (Red=FF, Green=FC, Blue=F7 ...
mostly white with a very slight pink tint).
If you wanted to setup bright blue cum strands, then you might use (Red=00, Green=00, Blue=FF ... 0x0000FF ... 255)
If you wanted very dark grey, then you'd use (Red=11, Green=11, Blue=11 ... 0x111111 ... 1118481)
In these screenshots I've decreased the gravity and increased the strand thickness -- so that it's easier to distinguish the color and transparency effects on the strands
You can probably tell that
dark colors don't work very well. When a strand link becomes longitudinally stretched, the game automatically reduces its thickness and reduces its opacity. With the default (white) strands, this effect tends to blend into the scene -- because SDT graphics are fairly bright in general. If you're using a very dark color (re-imagining the strands as ink, or blood, or similar) then the translucent effect is weird; it becomes very obvious that the "cum strand" is actually just a weird brushstroke being drawn across the screen.
So you'll need to
tinker with the settings until you find something that looks
reasonable, while still fitting in with whichever erotic fantasy you're trying to create.