Is it possible to make the breasts squirt cum only when they're above a certain size? I looked at the settings file and I thought it might be possible with this setting:
But that effects the speed the cum squirts out based on the breast size. Which is awesome! But I guess I'm after a setting that alters the amount of cum based on breast size. Or cuts it off below a certain size.
So I'm guessing it's not currently possible to do what I want.
cumspeedbreastratiomult=2 //the multiplier of how the breast max/breast current affect the speed of the cum
But that effects the speed the cum squirts out based on the breast size. Which is awesome! But I guess I'm after a setting that alters the amount of cum based on breast size. Or cuts it off below a certain size.
So I'm guessing it's not currently possible to do what I want.