Black Skin--Black Teeth? (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
May 16, 2012
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I was curious about something.

I was recently attempting to create a Drow character, and in the process of getting the shade of her skin just right, I found that I couldn't use the "L" slider without also darkening her teeth. It's not a game-ruiner but it is distracting, and I wondered if anyone had or could figure a work-around. Character codes are very welcome!


Potential Patron
May 16, 2012
The code I'm using is

When she clenches her teeth, they're as dark as she is.


Potential Patron
May 16, 2012
Putting her on Dark just turns her whole body jet black with no shading or details, like she's wearing a zentai. Not what I'm looking for. And it certainly doesn't help the teeth thing.


Potential Patron
Sep 28, 2011
Than my friend im afraid no one can help you with this. And a black teeth isnt so bad ask the pirate.


Just kidding...

Look the Drow Ranger i made a while ago


Thats the clostest i could make with your settings, now she looks like a metal thing, i understand the problem u have but couldnt find a direct solution. Im sorry



Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011

Loader can do it.
No vanilla solution as far as I know.


package flash
	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	public dynamic class Main extends MovieClip
		private var t:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
		private var t1:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
		private var t2:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
		private var her;
		private var lProxy:Class;
		public function initl(l){

			lProxy = l.lDOM.getDefinition("Modules.lProxy");
			her = l.her;

			// Note:
			// The her object has the teeth in different child objects.
			// As such, we replicate the minimum amount of the structure as we need to apply the same transforms.
			// We hook the event where jaw transforms take place and use it to also update our newly moved teeth container objects.
			// This gives the effect that the teeth are still part of the original Her object.

			t1.addChild(her.head.teeth);		// Move top teeth to new object.
			t2.addChild(her.head.jaw.teeth);	// Move bottom teeth to new object.
										// t takes transform of her.
			t.addChild(t1);					// t1 takes transform of head.
			t1.addChild(t2);				// t2 takes transform of jaw.
			l.g.sceneLayer.addChildAt(t, 0);	// Add to sceneLayer, behind her. This ensures exclusivity from HSL shift.
			var lp = new lProxy(her, "updateElements", ue);


		public function ue(){				// Update transforms.
			t.transform= her.transform;
			t1.transform = her.head.transform;
			t2.transform = her.head.jaw.transform;

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