I noticed this was getting a lot of negative feedback without any real constructive criticism, so I think I'll contribute a bit, especially considering the author is reading this thread.
To begin with, I much prefer sprite-based (pixel) games to these 2.5d games (irrelevant), but I was actually very impressed with the animations. One problem I have with indie 2.5d games is that usually they are treated as sprites rather than models, which looks really awkward, but enough attention to detail was paid that the model has fluid animations all across the board - I was actually wowed a little bit by how much was put into the hanging animation. The environments are lackluster, but that's not really too much of a concern, especially at such an early state of the game. Things like the acid bath look sloppy, but it at least gives you an idea what it is, and are functional.
The controls would be my biggest issue at this point. First, I would like to recommend that the character jumps as soon as you press the up key, rather than playing through the tiny animation immediately beforehand. It's a minor issue, but I think would be a great contribution to the fluidity of the controls. When crouching, if your character decides to stop and stand up while still under a low surface, your character will stand up and simply get stuck in the wall. How about a script where the character cannot stand up if the ceiling is too low and you're already crouching? The small jump button seems unnecessary, especially since it is just lower than the height of all the 'small steps' in the game. It seems like it was just tacked on in favor of certain jump puzzles, which I'm pretty sure is true. Speaking of which, would it be possible to make the character just jump to her maximum height as long as you hold the key, but stop wherever you decide to let go? A la Cave Story or almost any other successful platformer. Just a minimum jump height, and the additional height is contributed by how long you hold the button down (with the same max height too, of course, so no puzzles would actually have to be changed.) I am also not fond of her automatically jumping again if the button is held too long, but I don't know what the general consensus is for that.
I personally like the frustrating puzzle portion of the game, and figuring out other ways to do things (like that one jump where you have to take off one step before the final one), but a lot of it seems to be just precision "jump at the exact last second" type thing, which I'm not too fond of. I'm pretty sure one of the gaps in the first level was changed to this style from the first version, but I could be wrong. This is however just a personal gripe, so it's not necessarily true for everyone.
I think the running speed could be improved slightly, but I understand that it's also synched almost perfectly to its respective animation. If it could just be sped up by 1.5x maybe, it would be a lot more satisfying to play, and less run-walking to each puzzle.
I hope this helps. Good luck with the game! I would really like to see more games of this style, and this definitely has potential.
P.S. - I recommend looking at "Nightmare Sphere" for an example of a 2.5d ryona game with great controls, environments, moving speeds, really everything. The animations are of poorer quality, but when it comes to the actual gameplay part (running, jumping, etc), animation can be sacrificed for playability. At least I think so. I'm not suggesting you should match the inrcedibly fast running speed of this game, as context makes the characters of that game far more enabled, but rather improve it to a decent amount that still fits the style of this character.
EDIT: Apologies, it seems my suggestion about differing jump heights with respect to how long the button is held was already implemented.