After being brutally violated by a gang of ruthless psychopaths, a completely powerless vigilante awakens to cold, cruel reality. Lofty ideals such as liberty & justice are NOT for all. For just as soulless puppets have no passion of their own, a chattel sex slave would only dangle lifelessly, if she were not animated by her master's imposing will. Such objects of desire are destined to be taken by those who answer to no authority save their own depraved appetites. With the moral crusader groveling at his feet, the overlord has warrant to use and abuse his personal possession in any manner that may allay his insatiable lust. And, if he wishes for a vicious attack dog, the Spectre will be just as loyal to her master as she is dangerous to his enemies.
Mp4 (1080p, 4 Mbps) Part 1 - 23:35, 691 Mb, Part 2 - 23:54, 701 Mb
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