This is a cool new little game made by the same developers who made Splatter school, except without the guro.
The controls are as follows, Z-jump, X-Attack, C-cast spells, V-change spells, Up+Z is a flying kick acts as a super jump that can be used in addition to double jump, Down+Z is to slide attack, Z+Z in midair is double jump, while in midair press down twice controls are finicky but you'll make a powerful drop down attack with Anise's Ass LOL. I think S was pause
Just like in splatter school there contains a separate folder with a save file it contains Anise at full level I highly recommend you use this will make several levels easier. You save the game by going to the world map and selecting the second option, from there it will take you you to a option screen. And its the first one at the top to save it should look like this (セーブ) to return to the main screen press the button that looks like this つづきから. The option that costs 200 is to buy skills and the one that cost 20 is extra lives which you WILL use LOL.
The cloud level is a bit bugged once you get to the part where the clouds begin to float you up DO NOT JUMP and I repeat DO NOT JUMP, found this out the hard way for some reason the game doesn't acknowledge that as clear flooring and if your jump takes you above the floor then theres a good chance that the game will make you fall through the clouds preventing you from going forward and have to redo the level.
Now all thanks goes to MajorKagami at [Incomplete] The Adventures of Anise (アニスの冒険) - Page 3 - The Unofficial LineMarvel Forums he was the one who uploaded it as a Xmas present :3 Just wanted you guys to know about this game
For all info Pics and demo and vid look here
The controls are as follows, Z-jump, X-Attack, C-cast spells, V-change spells, Up+Z is a flying kick acts as a super jump that can be used in addition to double jump, Down+Z is to slide attack, Z+Z in midair is double jump, while in midair press down twice controls are finicky but you'll make a powerful drop down attack with Anise's Ass LOL. I think S was pause
Just like in splatter school there contains a separate folder with a save file it contains Anise at full level I highly recommend you use this will make several levels easier. You save the game by going to the world map and selecting the second option, from there it will take you you to a option screen. And its the first one at the top to save it should look like this (セーブ) to return to the main screen press the button that looks like this つづきから. The option that costs 200 is to buy skills and the one that cost 20 is extra lives which you WILL use LOL.
The cloud level is a bit bugged once you get to the part where the clouds begin to float you up DO NOT JUMP and I repeat DO NOT JUMP, found this out the hard way for some reason the game doesn't acknowledge that as clear flooring and if your jump takes you above the floor then theres a good chance that the game will make you fall through the clouds preventing you from going forward and have to redo the level.
Now all thanks goes to MajorKagami at [Incomplete] The Adventures of Anise (アニスの冒険) - Page 3 - The Unofficial LineMarvel Forums he was the one who uploaded it as a Xmas present :3 Just wanted you guys to know about this game
For all info Pics and demo and vid look here