This is a loader
with characters from "most characters" (Mlp)
any "bugs" or questions can be asked at my thread i guess
This file was too big to fit in my thread:
Almost everything MLP, downloads works, has the main 6.
it contains all mlp characters from "most characters" plus Chrysalis (i put in myself)
The whole Mane 6
The "royalty"
Luna Cadance Chrysalis New Celestia
These Fillies
Applebloom Scootaloo Sweetie Belle Babs Seed Diamond Tiara Silver Spoon Snowblind
Some OCs
Background characters:
Lyra Vinyl Octavia Colgate Applefritter Derpy Nurse Redheart Berry Punch
And these side characters
Spitfire Cloudchaser Flitter Sunset Shimmer Trixie Lightning Dust
with characters from "most characters" (Mlp)
any "bugs" or questions can be asked at my thread i guess
This file was too big to fit in my thread:
Almost everything MLP, downloads works, has the main 6.
it contains all mlp characters from "most characters" plus Chrysalis (i put in myself)
The whole Mane 6
The "royalty"
Luna Cadance Chrysalis New Celestia
These Fillies
Applebloom Scootaloo Sweetie Belle Babs Seed Diamond Tiara Silver Spoon Snowblind
Some OCs
Background characters:
Lyra Vinyl Octavia Colgate Applefritter Derpy Nurse Redheart Berry Punch
And these side characters
Spitfire Cloudchaser Flitter Sunset Shimmer Trixie Lightning Dust