Camilla FE (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Mar 23, 2021
hello everyone, so I wanted to share with you guys a dialogue that I've been using to practice dialogues, the character is Camilla from the fire emblem series and she's caring big sister who loves her younger brother way too much, i still don't know how the triggers work but they kinda work somehow and since I'm relative new to this id love if you could tell me what can i improve. btw since I'm not a native English speaker expect some grammar mistakes. Also if you use animtools there are some lines that trigger another pose so I should recommend renaming a pose to [POSITIONFILENAME]


Camilla FE.txt
9.4 KB · Views: 725


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 16, 2016
Well you got the basics down.
Something I can recommend to add would be {"style":"Him"} and {"style":"Thought"} lines.
You can make pauses if you put in these БББ signs, you can not see them in dialogue but each one takes the same time as a normal letter. Wich can also be usefull to make a line show longer if you put it in the end.
An example line with a mood check in addition:
restart:"So eager,БББББББББББББ looks like I can get a lot more.ББББББББББББББББ"{"style":"Thought","mood":"Ahegao"}

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